5 Tips to Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms?

Article by Moody Neuro

Following a traumatic brain injury (TBI), the first question patients ask is…How long will recovery take? And what can I do to give myself the best recovery possible?

Recovery is a challenging period. Oftentimes, it’s dependent on time, rest, and therapy. However, there are several strategies you can use to help yourself return to the activities you enjoy.

Each of the following tips is important to your recovery. And when you make an effort to practice all five together, you will see the best results.

1. Maintain a Patient & Positive Mindset to Support Your Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery

No matter what we experience – whether that be a cold, a broken bone, or traumatic brain injury – it’s natural to want our recovery to happen as fast as possible.

But learning how to be patient with yourself is the most valuable skill you can practice during recovery. This is especially true when it comes to TBI recovery.

It’s frustrating when progress doesn’t happen as quickly as you’d prefer. However, those frustrating feelings do not serve your recovery. And you’re worth all the effort you’re putting in!

Try to remain as patient and optimistic about your recovery as possible. Celebrate each win. And give yourself grace for the aspects of recovery that aren’t happening as quickly as you’d like.

Recovery will happen much faster and far more easily!

2. Practice & Show Up Every Day to Improve Your TBI Recovery Outcome

As with any skill, sport, musical instrument, or language, practicing your therapy exercises is important. Practice the best habits that you can, like sleeping and waking up at the same time.

The best part about practice is that no matter what you’re practicing, the end result does not have to be perfect.

We are all a work in progress – no one is perfect. And more often than not, each of us is working on being our best selves each and every day.

Plateaus will come. You might feel as if you’ve gone as far as you can during these moments. Regardless, keep practicing and putting in the effort. This is what will keep your recovery moving forward on the road to success.

Since 1982, Moody Neuro has been offering TBI patients the recovery support they need to live fully once more. Contact us today to learn about our rehabilitation services.

3. Try Mindfulness to Recover From Traumatic Brain Injury

Are you familiar with the term “mindfulness”? It’s a way of engaging in activities that encourage you to bring your complete focus to whatever it is that you’re doing.

Brushing your teeth? Try to pay attention to how you’re moving the brush. Listening to music? See if you can hear notes or sounds you haven’t heard before.

The idea is that by focusing only on the activity, you can step outside of the overwhelming emotions recovery can bring. Furthermore, mindfulness can help lower anxiety and stress and increase your concentration.

4. Know When to Rest From Active TBI Recovery

When you first begin the recovery process, you may want to push yourself to do as much as possible. And while it’s incredibly helpful to remain enthusiastic and eager to do what’s necessary for recovery, knowing when to rest is just as important.

Don’t overdo it! Some things may take more time than they used to, and that’s okay.

Because when you try to do too much and ignore your body’s signals, you can actually hinder your recovery.

Moody Neuro offers a wide range of therapeutic services to help you in your recovery. Connect with us, and we’ll begin exploring the best recovery plan for you.

5. Find the Best Support for Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery

The best support is crucial to your recovery following a TBI. From family member caregivers to physical therapists and doctors, recovery is most helpful when you’re surrounded by people who want to help you accomplish your goals.

Furthermore, consider different types of care. Inpatient care may be more appropriate for the beginning of recovery, while outpatient care might be useful later.

Either way, lean into your support network often. These are the people who care about you and your recovery.

Moody Neuro: Your Support for Each Stage of the Recovery Process

Moody Neurorehabilitation offers highly personalized patient care for those recovering from TBI. We understand your goal is to return to your life and the community. So we are dedicated to helping you recover safely and on a timeline that works for you. Together, we can help you achieve your rehabilitation goals with a strong support network. Contact us today to learn more.