Education Loan Forgiveness

Article by Moody Neuro

With the continuing rise of college costs, more and more students are taking out Federal loans to pay for higher education.  These loans can often total in the tens of thousands of dollars.  Following a severe brain injury, many survivors will of course see ability to pay back such loans severely diminished.  These loan payments can be an incredible financial burden at a time when survivors are already stretched perilously thin financially.  However, the United States Department of Education has a loan cancellation/forgiveness program for those survivors unable to work (or not expected to be able to work) for at least a five year period of time.  This type of loan forgiveness is known as Total and Permanent Discharge.  Qualifying individuals are able to get forgiveness of William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (Direct Loan) loans, Federal Family Education Loan Program (FEEL) loans, Federal Perkins Loan  Program (Perkins Loan) loans and TEACH Grant service obligations.  If you are interested in more information, the link below will bring you to the official US Department of Education webpage for Total and Permanent Discharge.  Please be sure to read the information fully as there are important tax implications accompanying participation in this program.

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