Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Article by Moody Neuro

There is an increasing awareness that mild traumatic brain injuries can lead to permanent deficits in functioning.  This is especially true if a person had multiple mild traumatic brain injuries such as one would receive getting repeatedly tackled in football or by experiencing many explosions in war.

One of my favorite articles that explains the first-hand experience of mild traumatic brain injury is a Sports Illustrated feature on Harry Carson.  Harry Carson was a Hall of Fame linebacker with the New York Giants and captained the Giants to victory in Superbowl XXI.  He is also a spokesman for the Brain Injury Association of America.  In the article, he describes the symptoms of his brain injury (the article calls his brain injury “post concussion syndrome”).  He talks about his fears and frustrations, along with the life changes he needed to make due to his injury.  Although this article is almost 15 years old, it remains a great introduction to long-term mild traumatic brain injury deficits.

Learn about all of the Moody Neuro’s brain injury treatment services.