NHL Concussion Lawsuit

Article by Moody Neuro

H0ckey can be a tough sport.  Players routinely receive concussions from checks, falls and fights.  In fact, many great hockey players have had to retire due to concussions suffered over the course of their careers.  Hall of Famers Pat LaFontaine and Scott Stevens are just two of the better known players who have entered into retirement for this reason.  Sports Illustrated has assembled this gallery featuring some of the best known players whose careers have ended due to damage wrought by concussions.


Of course, concussion is just another name for a brain injury.  Pat LaFontaine has been particularly active in educating others about brain injuries.  Below is a video on Brainline in which he describes the brain injury ordeals he experienced as a direct result of his career in hockey.


A number of retired hockey players are following the example provided by former NFL football players and are seeking legal action against the National Hockey League.  These players have accused the NHL of not doing enough to prevent brain injuries, of not sufficiently informing players of the risk of brain injuries and of even encouraging the fights which can lead to these injuries.


If the NHL lawsuit produces results similar to those seen in the NFL lawsuit, the NHL could stand to lose millions of dollars.

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