Secondary Stroke Prevention Guidelines: What You Can Do to Prevent a Second Stroke

Article by Moody Neuro

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), almost 800,000 people have strokes every year in the U.S. Someone suffers from a stroke in the U.S. every 40 seconds, and stroke fatalities occur every 3.5 minutes.

These are unsettling numbers, and the risks don’t end with the stroke itself. In addition to needing aftercare, stroke survivors face the possibility of a second stroke. Every year, about 185,000 strokes happen in people who have had prior strokes

So, what’s the best way to prevent a second stroke? 

To begin with, people who have suffered a stroke should receive treatment, change their lifestyles and follow preventive practices.


With age, human arteries become hard and narrow, which can lead to blockages. Unhealthy lifestyles and preexisting medical conditions can affect artery health, increasing the risk of stroke. In addition, sedentary lifestyles and poor eating habits are often leading factors in stroke victims. 

These are a few other important risk factors for vascular diseases

  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol 
  • Lack of exercise 
  • Obesity 

Avoid these risk factors to help protect yourself from becoming a stroke victim. 


Ischemic strokes, the most common type of stroke, make up 85% of all strokes. A lack of oxygen or poor blood flow to the brain causes ischemic strokes. If not treated properly, ischemic stroke patients can be at risk for another stroke. 

Hemorrhagic strokes make up the other 15% of strokes. Hemorrhagic strokes occur when there is bleeding around the brain. Main causes and risk factors for this type of stroke include high blood pressure and abnormal blood vessels in the brain.

Also known as a mini-stroke, a transient ischemic attack (TIA) is similar to an ischemic stroke. However, a TIA’s symptoms last a shorter period. These attacks are often warning signs for a more serious ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. 


The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) guideline for stroke prevention addresses diagnoses, treatments and secondary stroke prevention. 

Review some of the AHA/ASA guide’s key takeaways below:

  • Pay attention to lifestyle choices, such as diet, physical exercise, blood pressure control and smoking cessation. Doing so can prevent 90% of strokes. 
  • Maintain a good blood pressure, generally under 130/80. 
  • Monitor atrial fibrillation, which is common in ischemic stroke patients. 
  • Watch therapy and glycemic control in diabetic patients. 
  • Undergo antiplatelet treatments, which the AHA/ASA recommends for TIA patients. 

Strokes affect people differently, so it is important to pick a rehabilitation facility that focuses on your physical, social and emotional goals. Due to the high risk of secondary stroke, a rehabilitation facility should also have individuals who will address your risk factors as you are returning to the community. Choosing the best brain injury rehabilitation is critical. Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute has 40 years of experience and specializes in brain injury rehabilitation, which is needed after suffering a stroke.

For more information, see what the CDC says about stroke prevention.


Since 1982, Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute has served Galveston, Texas, and neighboring Gulf Coast communities. With 40 years of experience, we provide quality treatment for a variety of brain injuries, such as strokes and support secondary stroke prevention guidelines. We offer effective home evaluations, in-house training and unique home exercise programs.

For effective treatment, one must understand the fundamentals of the brain. Explore our comprehensive resources to learn more about the body’s most intricate organ — the brain. 

Let the Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute team answer your questions about brain injuries, rehabilitation and other treatments:

Moody Neurorehabilitation programs assist stroke patients in their recovery so they can maintain their independence. We consider cognitive, behavioral and physical limitations while tailoring personalized treatment plans for every patient’s unique needs.

We offer outpatient programs and residential services, as well as short- and long-term care. In 2019, our patient satisfaction survey revealed that 90% of our patients found our quality of therapy outstanding.

Furthermore, Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute provides long-term support to care for patients who are unable to return to an independent lifestyle. 

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Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute incorporates technology and traditional therapy practices to help stroke patients recover quickly and effectively. Based on physician recommendations, we create a rehabilitation program for the patient’s individual recovery needs. 

Our hours are flexible, and we work with patients’ physical capabilities using innovative robotics and technological simulations for optimal outcomes. At Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute, we’re dedicated to supporting families and assisting them throughout the recovery journey. 

For people suffering from strokes, we’re here to help guide patients and their families through the difficult road to recovery. Our experience and personalized care make us the premier choice for neurorehabilitation.

Contact Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute to learn about our programs and quality services, or call us at (409) 762-6661 today for more information.