What Are the Top 10 Most Common Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms?

Article by Moody Neuro

Certain symptoms may occur after you or a loved one experiences a traumatic brain injury (TBI). For example, changes to one’s physical health, emotional state, and behavior can all be signs of a TBI.

And before you can help your loved one on their path to recovery, it’s important to stay aware of the possible feelings and symptoms they might be experiencing. That way, you can find solutions to help treat them.

Symptoms may vary depending on the kind of injury you or a family member experiences. Additionally, age and overall health can also play a role in the types of symptoms.

If you’re looking for personal therapy programs to help you recover from a TBI, reach out to us. Begin recovery today.

Mild vs. Moderate vs. Severe TBI

There are different levels to an injury’s severity. When it comes to TBI, the severity is often initially based on how long someone loses consciousness. For example, a loss of consciousness for 20 minutes or less immediately after the injury occurs is usually considered a mild TBI.

In contrast, a moderate TBI can result in a loss of consciousness for up to 24 hours. Anything past 24 hours is considered severe TBI, and the symptoms may be more severe and long-lasting.

[Related: Which TBI Care Plan Is Right For You?]

Common Symptoms & Signs of TBI

Signs and symptoms can vary depending on the severity of the injury and the individual. Additionally, you may not experience each symptom on this list right after an injury takes place. Some symptoms may take days or weeks to appear, and they can change or worsen over time.


Headaches are a common symptom after a TBI. For moderate and severe injuries, headaches may grow worse over time. Occasionally, they may persist for a long time after a TBI.

Memory Problems

Trouble remembering events and faces, even those of loved ones, may take place after a TBI. This can include issues with focusing and attention problems as well.

Vision Loss or Changes

It’s common for people who experience a mild TBI to have blurry vision. For more serious injuries, a mild TBI can result in total loss of vision as well.


Ringing sounds that come and go may occur after TBI. Tinnitus can be louder and more noticeable right after a mild injury and the days that follow. However, tinnitus symptoms can remain for months or years afterward, too.


TBI can cause you to be much more tired than usual. If you are suffering from drowsiness every day, this will likely begin to affect your sleep as well. Developing sleeping disorders is not uncommon.


Instead of tiredness, you may feel the exact opposite. It’s common for TBI patients to feel restless, irritable, or anxious.

Balance Problems

Balance problems or trouble with coordination are possible following a moderate or severe TBI.

Emotional Problems

You may feel like your emotions are harder to control than they once were. Additionally, you might notice signs of depression later on.


You may feel nausea and lose your appetite.


Seizures are also possible after a TBI.

[Related: 10 Things I Wish People Knew About Brain Injuries]

Children & TBI

Children experience TBIs a little differently than adults. While their symptoms are similar, they may not be as clear. However, if your child experiences a bump to the head, falls, or otherwise has an injury, you should watch for the following signs of a TBI:

  • Irritability
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities or toys
  • Low energy and fatigue

If you have a child or family member with a TBI, contact us today to learn about our services. We offer both in-patient and outpatient programs.

[Related: Choosing a Brain Injury Treatment Clinic]

Potential Long-Term Symptoms & Concerns

Some symptoms may persist for months or even years following a TBI. Conditions like sleep disorders, depression, or difficulties concentrating may arise later in a TBI patient’s life.

The following are all possible complications after experiencing a moderate or severe TBI. However, there are more than what is listed here.

  • Sleep disorders (insomnia, delayed sleep phase, parasomnia)
  • Mental health disorders (depression)
  • Tinnitus & loss of hearing
  • Photophobia (or intolerance of light)
  • Speech & language difficulties (aphasia)
  • Difficulty focusing and trouble with executive functioning
  • Memory issues

[Related: How Long Does It Take to Recover From Traumatic Brain Injury?]

Moody Neuro: Helping TBI Patients Recover With Personalized Support

At Moody Neuro, helping TBI patients through their recovery process is our mission. With the latest technology, personal support network, and dedicated staff, we take pride in providing the best TBI therapy programs.

Contact us today to learn more.